Pope Francis denounces the atrocities and asks that weapons be laid down. Conflict offers no hope for Syria

Pope Francis denounces the atrocities and asks that weapons be laid down.

Conflict offers no hope for Syria

An appeal to the international community for a solution to this conflict which is causing so much death and destruction

It is not the logic of the conflict but “the capacity for encounter and dialogue” that can offer “prospects of hope” to resolve the crisis in Syria. Profoundly disturbed by the escalation of violence and atrocities in the country, Pope Francis has launched a new appeal for peace at the end of the Angelus on Sunday 25 August, in St Peter's Square. He also reminded the faithful that the “narrow door” of Jesus is never closed to sinners “in need of his salvation, his forgiveness” and “his love”.
 With great suffering and anxiety I continue to follow the situation in Syria. The increase in violence in a war between brothers and sisters with the multiplication of massacres and of atrocious acts that we have all been able to see in the appalling images of the past few days impels me once again to raise my voice so that the clash of weapons may be silenced. It is not conflict that offers prospects of hope for solving problems, but the capacity for encounter and dialogue.
From the depths of my heart I would like to express my closeness with prayers and solidarity to all the victims of this conflict, to all  who are suffering, especially the children, and to ask them to keep the hope of peace ever alive. I appeal to the International Community to show itself increasingly sensitive to this tragic situation and to muster all its strength to help the beloved Syrian nation  find a solution to this war that is sowing destruction and death. All together, let us pray to our Lady, Queen of Peace: Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us. Everyone: Mary Queen of Peace, pray for us.


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