Webb images young, giant exoplanets, detects carbon dioxide


Webb images young, giant exoplanets, detects carbon dioxide

Findings suggest giant exoplanets in HR 8799 system likely formed like Jupiter and Saturn.

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has captured direct images of multiple gas giant planets within an iconic planetary system. HR 8799, a young system 130 light-years away, has long been a key target for planet formation studies.

The observations indicate that the well-studied planets of HR 8799 are rich in carbon dioxide gas. This provides strong evidence that the system’s four giant planets formed much like Jupiter and Saturn, by slowly building solid cores that attract gas from within a protoplanetary disk.

The results also confirm that Webb can infer the chemistry of exoplanet atmospheres through imaging. This technique complements Webb’s powerful spectroscopic instruments, which resolve the atmospheric composition.

“By spotting these strong carbon dioxide features, we have shown there is a sizable fraction of heavier elements, like carbon, oxygen, and iron, in these planets’ atmospheres,” said William Balmer, of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. “Given what we know about the star they orbit, that likely indicates they formed via core accretion, which is an exciting conclusion for planets that we can directly see.”

Balmer is the lead author of the study announcing the results published today in The Astrophysical Journal. Balmer and his team’s analysis also includes Webb’s observation of a system 97 light-years away called 51 Eridani.

HR 8799 is a young system about 30 million years old, a fraction of our solar system’s 4.6 billion years. Still hot from their tumultuous formation, the planets within HR 8799 emit large amounts of infrared light that give scientists valuable data on how they formed.

Giant planets can take shape in two ways: by slowly building solid cores with heavier elements that attract gas, just like the giants in our solar system, or when particles of gas rapidly coalesce into massive objects from a young star’s cooling disk, which is made mostly of the same kind of material as the star. Knowing which formation model is more common can give scientists clues to distinguish between the types of planets they find in other systems.

“Our hope with this kind of research is to understand our own solar system, life, and ourselves in comparison to other exoplanetary systems, so we can contextualize our existence,” Balmer said. “We want to take pictures of other solar systems and see how they’re similar or different when compared to ours. From there, we can try to get a sense of how weird our solar system really is—or how normal.”

Of the nearly 6,000 exoplanets discovered, few have been directly imaged, as even giant planets are many thousands of times fainter than their stars. The images of HR 8799 and 51 Eridani were made possible by Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) coronagraph, which blocks light from bright stars to reveal otherwise hidden worlds.

This technology allowed the team to look for infrared light emitted by the planets in wavelengths that are absorbed by specific gases. The team found that the four HR 8799 planets contain more heavy elements than previously thought.

“Webb's unique capabilities are allowing us to explore the wide diversity of these directly-imaged planets for the first time. This gives us important clues as to how such planetary systems have formed.” said Emily Rickman of the European Space Agency, a co-author of the study. “These new observations reiterate how valuable the HR 8799 multi-planet system is as a stepping stone to understand the formation of exoplanetary systems and of our own Solar System.”

The team is paving the way for more detailed observations to determine whether objects they see orbiting other stars are truly giant planets or objects such as brown dwarfs, which form like stars but don’t accumulate enough mass to ignite nuclear fusion.

“We have other lines of evidence that hint at these four HR 8799 planets forming using this bottom-up approach,” said Laurent Pueyo, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, who co-led the work. “How common is this for planets we can directly image? We don’t know yet, but we’re proposing more Webb observations to answer that question.”

“We knew Webb could measure colours of the outer planets in directly imaged systems,” added Rémi Soummer, director of STScI’s Russell B. Makidon Optics Lab and former lead for Webb coronagraph operations. “We have been waiting for 10 years to confirm that our finely tuned operations of the telescope would also allow us to access the inner planets. Now the results are in and we can do interesting science with it.”

The NIRCam observations of HR 8799 and 51 Eridani were conducted as part of Guaranteed Time Observations programmes 1194 and 1412 respectively.

HR 8799 System (NIRCam image)

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has provided the clearest look yet at the iconic multi-planet system HR 8799. The observations detected carbon dioxide in each of the planets, which provides strong evidence that the system’s four giant planets formed much like Jupiter and Saturn, by slowly building solid cores that attract gas from within a protoplanetary disk.

Colours are applied to filters from Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera), revealing their intrinsic differences. A star symbol marks the location of the host star HR 8799, whose light has been blocked by a coronagraph.

The colours in this image, which represent different wavelengths captured by Webb’s NIRCam, tell researchers about the temperatures and composition of the planets. HR 8799 b, which orbits around 10.1 billion kilometres from the star, is the coldest of the bunch, and the richest in carbon dioxide. HR 8799 e orbits 2.4 billion kilometres from its star, and likely formed closer to the host star, where there were stronger variations in the composition of material.

In this image, the colour blue is assigned to 4.1 micron light, green to 4.3 micron light, and red to the 4.6 micron light.

[Image description: This image shows the planetary system HR 8799. The image background is black. At the centre of the image, there is a symbol representing a star labeled HR 8799. This star blocks the light from the host star. There are four exoplanets, which look like fuzzy dots, pictured in the image surrounding the star. Furthest from the star is a fuzzy, faint blue dot, labeled b, at the 10 o’clock position. At the one o’clock position, second furthest from the star is a blueish-white fuzzy dot labeled c. Just below that is an orange dot labeled e. At the four o’clock position, still nearby the star, is another fuzzy white dot labeled d.]


NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, W. Balmer (JHU), L. Pueyo (STScI), M. Perrin (STScI)

51 Eri b (NIRcam image)

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) captured this image of Eridani 51 b, a cool, young exoplanet that orbits 17.7 billion kilometres from its star. Its distance is equivalent to a location between the orbits of Neptune and Saturn in our solar system. The observations detected the planet is rich in carbon dioxide, providing strong evidence that the planet formed much like Jupiter and Saturn, by slowly building a solid core that attracted gas from within a protoplanetary disk.

The 51 Eridani system is 96 light-years from Earth. This image includes filters representing 4.1-micron light as red.

[Image description: This image shows the exoplanet 51 Eri b. The image is mostly black, with very faint residual red dots apparent in the central region of the image. At the centre of the image, there is a symbol representing a star labeled 51 Eri. This star blocks the light from the host star. To the left of the circle is a fuzzy bright red circle, which is the exoplanet, labeled b.]


NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, W. Balmer (JHU), L. Pueyo (STScI), M. Perrin (STScI)

HR 8799 e Spectrum

This graph shows a spectrum of one of the planets in the HR 8799 system, HR 8799 e, which displays the amounts of near-infrared light detected from the planet by Webb at different wavelengths.

The blue and yellow lines are a best-fit model for an atmosphere that would be either low or high in metals heavier than helium, including carbon, also known as metallicity. The Webb data is consistent with a high metallicity planet.

Spectral fingerprints of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide appear in data collected by Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera).

[Image description: Graphic titled “Exoplanet HR 8799 e: Carbon Dioxide in Gas Giant Exoplanet” has three data points with error bars and a best-fit model for low metal content and high metal content on a graph of Amount of Light from the Planet on the y-axis versus Wavelength of Light in microns on x-axis. Y-axis ranges from less light at bottom to more light at top. X-axis ranges from 3.6 to 5.0 microns. Webb NIRCam data consists of 3 points, plotted in red, with white error bars above and below each point. The best-fit models are jagged blue and yellow lines with several broad peaks and valleys. Two features are labeled with vertical columns. From 4.3 microns to nearly 4.4 microns, a green column is labeled Carbon Dioxide CO2. From nearly 4.4 microns to nearly 4.8 microns, a red column is labeled Carbon Monoxoide CO2.]


NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, W. Balmer (JHU), L. Pueyo (STScI), M. Perrin (STScI)

Fuente: ESA/Hubble/Webb Information Centre


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