The Pope’s visit to Lampedusa through the experience recounted by Claudio Baglioni. A road to take together

The Pope’s visit to Lampedusa through the experience recounted by Claudio Baglioni.

A road to take together

It must not live on merely as symbol but also as a sign that shows which way to go. For someone like Claudio Baglioni who has great love for Lampedusa and its inhabitants and  has  the destiny of all those desperate people particularly at heart, the fear is that the deepest value of the witness borne by Pope Francis in the Pelagian Islands will not be understood. After endeavouring through the well-known O’scià Music Festival on the Island of Lampedusa to make everyone understand that integration is an indispensable value, indeed, an extraordinary treasure, “which it would be truly insane to renounce”, in the past few days the musician has returned to work on a discographic project,  not by chance  entitled “Con voi” [with you]. With it he intends once again to honour the Southern Islands, the symbol of a lonely humanity that is all too often left to itself. Thus he could not but be fascinated by Pope Francis and his words during the Mass at the Stadium of Lampedusa in which the song-writer, lost among the crowds, participated last Monday, 8 July. And Baglioni speaks of the experience he gleaned from this extraordinary day in an interview he granted to our newspaper. “I believe that with this journey”, he said among other things, “Pope Francis has built the longest bridge ever imagined: from the coasts of a tiny island in the heart of the Mediterranean to the coasts of Africa, Italy, Europe and all the other continents, to unite in a single embrace the souls of all those who — everywhere in the world — are fighting every day to assert the right that no human being can be deprived of: the right to a free, just, honest and dignified life. Rights, moreover,  are not symbols: they are fundamental and indispensable realities”.  



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